Westminster Dog Show of Salem

Q- Zebra

Pax- Freddie Mac, Dunphy, JV, Zebra

Warmup- 1 lap around the dog show lot with cool down of parking lot light interval lunge walks, high knees, backward runs.

Thang- Light pole Mountain; 3 poles, exercise at each pole, increase reps x2 each set. Teams of 2 so each team gets a rest lap. Sets are 3,2,1 – 6,4,2 – 12,8,4 – 24,16,8

Round 1- Squats, Merkins, Burpees (LBCs on rest lap)

Round 2- Mountain Climbers, Squat Jumps, Burpees (Flutter Kicks on rest lap)

Round 3- HR Merkins, ATMs less the M, Burpees (Freddie Mercuries on rest lap)

Recover, Recover

COT; Keep Space Jam and Legz in thoughts

Good work guys!