You’re Ready to Q!

Definitely, you’re ready – Freed to Lead, as we say. Naturally, you want to do well and lead your gloommates admirably. Here are some tips.

  1. Everyone is on your side and rooting for you. Mumblechatter is a love language.
  2. PRE-BLAST – Threats and promises, let the guys know what they’ll miss if they fartsack
  3. Share the load – anyone will be happy to share the Q. Offer to pickup warmarama to start, or ask for help as you go through the beatdown.
  4. What makes a good workout?
    1. Start on time, end on time
    2. Touch 3 key aspects: Strength, Speed, Stamina
    3. Allow for all levels of fitness – plank hold till the 6 catches up, coupons for the leaders, etc.
    4. Yourself. Let the Pax know who you are. The COT should be a reflection of your intent to grow the men around you.
  5. Resources:
    1. Lots of great routines and exercises already together in one place –
    2. Get on the f3 Nation Slack workspace and see what other regions are doing
  6. BACKBLAST: Let the fartsackers know that their FOMO is justified!
    1. In Slack, type “/slackblast” and hit send. This will open a template to fill out key information.
    2. Enter the requested information, and post to the AO channel for your workout
    3. Keeping within this format allows PAXMiner to read our stats and provide reporting data to help us reach our goals.

You’re also freed to lead other activities!

Do you have an idea for fellowship or faith activities? Any goal you want to tackle with men you trust? Say it out loud and get started!