It was a Warm, Muggy Morning


PAX: Manti, Rick James, Freddie Mac, Cat Scratch

Q: Cat Scratch

The Q showed up a bit late but none the less, we proceeded to jog around the loop and stop at the benches to begin the journey. 10 step ups each leg then stretch as the Q was tight. 10 box squats, 10 erkins 10 dips 10 box jumps, 10 derkins and it was time to move on.

Mosey over to the parking lot in front of Fishburn Hall on the VWCC campus where we continued the warmup: IWs, arm circles, slow squats, SSHs.

Mosey on over to the plaza area behind the Fralin Center to work in some exercises: Two of the Pax perform an exercise and the other two run up to sets of stairs and back down taking over the count for the given exercise. Exercises included 100 high knees, 75 jump lunges, 50 burpees, 30 skateboarder jumps (Start in a squat position with one hand touching the ground, then jump up as high as you can, rotating 180 degrees midair. Land back in a squat position, touching the ground with the opposite hand, and repeat as quickly as possible.), and 100 squats.

We then moseyed, since it was 82 degrees F and 90% humidity (So thick you could cut it with a knife!), across Colonial Ave to the concrete benches in front of Weber Hall for some dips, then 10 earkins, 20 LBCs. 10 derkins, and 20 LBCs.

We then moseyed (did I mention it was warm and sticky?) over to the concrete walkway in front of the Student Center and ran down to the end only stepping on the lateral cracks in the concrete. At the end of the walkway we did 15 box squats on some concrete benches and then proceeded to run back up the concrete sidewalk the same way we ran down.

We moseyed back over and went back across Colonial Ave and ran up stairs, stepping on each step, then at the top perform 10 earkins. We then moseyed over to the road where we ran backwards up to the top while Freddie Mac shared a story about a family trip in a rental van and one of his children advised them he wasn’t feeling well, to which they told him he would be fine, which resulted in the child vomiting all over the place, including in the AC vents on the floor. Nice!

We made it back to the parking lot at the Gators Aquatic Center and it was recover-recover.

Tentatively set a date of October 16 for CPR training. It will be open to all, including the public. Location TBD.

Prayers to SpaceJAM as he has lost family members and will be raising an 11 year old nephew. Prayers also to Legs as he spends time with his ill mother.

Great time this morning with our F3 brothers!