Wheel of Torture & Candy Discussion

QIC: Double Humpee

PAX: Dunphy, Cat Scratch, Rick James, Prince Tuesday

Warm O Rama:

November came blowing in with a vengeance, as the site was cold and windy this morning.

Run a lap around the circle and include karaoke as we ran up the hill

Stop at the benches for some steps ups, box squats, SSHs and some Earkins

The Thang
Run to the base of the LFH over at Western and play Wheel of Torture

We ran up to the 3rd pole, 2nd pole, 4th pole, 8th pole and then the 5th pole. Exercises included lots of box cutters, Carolina Dry Docks, Arm Circles.

During our 10 Counts I asked for best and worst Halloween candy.

Fulfilling his role as an Old Man, Cat Scratch voted for Mary Janes as his favorite candy. Other votes went for Reeses Cups, Candy Corn, Dots, and Almond Joys.

Worst Candy – Candy Corn

Run back to the parking lot for Mary

COT – It was an honor to lead this morning.