Happy Hit Day


PAX: Kwon Do, Rick James, Prince Tuesday, Bundy, Michael Michaels, Cat Scratch

Q: Cat Scratch

Six spry PAX came out on a warm (61 degrees F) morning to work on improving themselves while supporting each other.

Warm up: Run up to the first floor, and Karaoke across then Indian Run up to second and third floors. Jack Webbs, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, SSHs, squats.

Thang: It was a Hit workout day. I found some exercises I thought would be a good fit and decided to give them a try. First up was the following:

High Knees – 30 sec, 10 sec rest, Jump Squats – 30 sec, 10 sec rest, Wall Sit for 1 minute, 15 sec rest, Merkins 30 sec, 15 sec rest, Jump Lunges – 30 sec, Mtn. Climbers – 30 sec, 10 sec rest. Repeat twice for a total of 3 rounds.

Next was a series of exercises where the duration increased 10 seconds with each exercise but all resting was limited to 10 seconds, The exercises: Merkins – 10 sec, Rest 10 sec, Mtn. Climbers -20 sec, Rest 10 sec, Burpees 30 sec, Rest 10 sec, Russian Twists – 40 sec, Rest 10 sec, Big Boys – 50 sec, Rest 10 sec, Squats – 60 sec, Rest 10 sec, Butt Kicks – 70 sec, Rest 10 sec, SSHs – 80 sec, Rest 10 sec, High Knees – 90 sec, Rest 10 sec, Plank – 100 sec, Rest 60 sec.

We then performed some Mary that included flutter kicks, Heals to Heaven, Penguin Crunches, and 6-inch hold.

COT: Namarama, and prayer.

Bundy volunteered to Q next Wednesday!

Always an Honor.