Down then Up #LFH


PAX: Pinky, Double Humpee, HC3, Popeye (Greenville), Dunphy

Q: Dunphy

Warm up jog across Colonial, up the stairs through VWCC, and to the top of the LFH. Sandbag pile noted by PAX.

Warm up: WMH, SSH, IW, MC, Slow Merkins

LFH: Go down, then back up. (On the way down, lunge walk with sandbag, 15 HR Merkins and 5 Thrusters at every light pole. Bear crawl for 5th man. On the way up, farmer’s carry.)

Carry sandbags back to Fishburn.


Great having Popeye from Greenville with us. Handled the elevation well!

Pleasure to lead fellas.