Monday Deck Work

Pax: Dunphy, Huffy, Centrum Silver, Pipeline, Freddie Mac, Kwon Do (Q)

Fresh off my Ocho, I got an itch to continue the streak. I checked the Q list and to my surprise, its was open. I made the decision to take it (almost immediately regretted it). But thought that I need to push myself past the point of fatigue and the doubt of if my body would respond. What other way would I know if I didn’t push past it all, so I did. 5 others decided to join me and start the week off strong.

Warm up was jogging over to the groundfloor of the deck. Once there, we did SSH/WMH/AC/RAC/Hillbillys/Rubios/OC.

The THANG was as follows;

5 Burpees-Jog across desk and up to 1
10 Merkins-Backwards run across deck and up to 2
15 BigBoys-High Knees across deck and up to 3
20 Squats-Skip across deck and up to 4
25 Plankjacks-Toysoldiers midway across desk and jog the remainder and up to 5
30 Suitcases-Jog across deck to 6
35 Penguin crunches-Backwards run across and back down to 5.

It was then decided that since we were ahead of schedule that we would enjoy the 61degrees and stars so back to 6 we went and Karaoke across deck. We huddled up for a little unplanned Mary. Everyone took a turn at dealers choice. We backwards ran across deck and down to 5.

30 Sharon Stones (double count)-Jog across deck and down to 4
25 Mountain Climbers and across the deck to 3
20 low squat holds/jack webb combo and high knees across deck and down to 2
15 Carolina Dry Docks-Skip across & down to 1
10 Merkins-jog across and down to ground
5 Burpees – jog back

Since we had a few more minutes. We challenged ourselves to low squat holds while doing arm circles. Not a terrible idea but not sure it should have been done in cadence. We all took turns. The last 3 pax sped up the cadence count (Catscatch would not have been amused).
