Good Ol’ BOMBS


PAX: Piney, Abraham, Cat Scratch, Manti, Zebra, Centrum Silver, Dunphy, Tollbooth, Bundy, Legz

Q: Legz

Warm-up: Take a short lap around the tennis courts and line up at the end and perform butt kickers, skips, high knees, and karaoke. Circle up and perform SSH’s, WMH’s, Abe Vigoda, Rubios, Overhead Clap, Slow Squats, and Slow merkins.

The Thang: BOMBS

Partner up on the tennis courts for BOMBS.

B 50 burpees: Travel was Imperial Walkers

O 100 Overhead Claps: Travel was bear crawls

M 150 Merkins: Travel was Toy Soldiers

B 200 Big Boys: Travel was crab walk

S 250 Squats: Travel was Everest.

Recover. Recover!

Name-o-rama followed by COT.

Great group today guys. Double digits!