Finding a bunch of places to do dips

Overlander, Roanoke, VA

Conditions: 59 deg. F, light rain

PAX: Cat Scratch, Double Humpee, Pipeline, Puffs, Rick James

Q: Pipeline

Five men came out on a glorious summer winter morning to get better in the February heat. While waiting for Rick James to arrive, we did 186 burpees and then some warm-up exercises. Cat Scratch lost his mind momentarily, but the meds kicked in.

The Thang: Just a simple yogging tour of Virginia Western, stopping to complete a stacked ladder of exercises.

First was the James Madison Middle bus stop for dips on the benches.

Then we headed past the Gator (watch the ruts!) and over to some benches at VWCC for some derkins and dips.

Then it was up to the orange barricades in the middle parking lot for slow squats, derkins and dips.

Next we ascended to the top lot and found a ramshackle concrete picnic area, where we did LBCs, slow squats, derkins and dips. After departing we found a better picnic area but it was too late. The moment had passed.

Mosey down to Colonial and up to the building with the long sets of steps. We performed OHCs, LBCs, slow squats, derkins and dips.

Across the street, through the compass rose and up the long stairs. At this point DH said, “Wow, there really are a lot of places to do dips at Virginia Western.” Exercises were a bear crawl with a lunge walk back, then OHCs, LBCs, slow squats, derkins and dips.

Recover. Recover. Announcements and COT. Double Humpee took us out and we yogged back to the cars in a light rain. No one melted.

An honor and a privilege!