Who Wants Burpees?

QIC: Double Humpee

Pax: Legz, Cat Scratch, Le Rick Jomes, Pipeline

Weather: High forties with no wind. Perfect conditions for a Friday beatdown at Overland.

Warm O Rama:

Mosey over towards the Madison benches and jump over the benches for some parkour.

Then we circled up for some:

Arms Circles

Good Mornings

Imperial Walkers

Jack Webs

100 SSHs single count oyo

The Thang:

Run towards the Virginia western hill and at the base of the steep part we ran up backward.

Then at the next level, we Atlased to the top parking lot.

Then the “fun” started:

25 Burpees, 25 Shoulder taps, 25 Peter Parkers, and 25 squat jumps

We did some running across the parking lot

25 Burpees, 25 Shoulder taps, 25 Parker Peters, and 25 squat jumps

We did some more running/skipping or something

25 Burpees, 25 Shoulder taps, 25 Parker Peters, and 25 squat jumps

We performed one final run to the end of the parking lot and sprinted back (Though Cat Scratch didn’t have much sprint left in him)

Mosey back to the cars for 1 minute of Planking.


Tomorrow is the Puffs half-birthday bike workout. We will be meeting at the standard location in Wasena.

Next Thursday is the F3 Roanoke Christmas Party! Sign up sheet is on Slack, so please RSVP and sign up to bring sumptin.