7 of Diamonds


PAX: Freddy Mac, Dunphy, Piney, Centrum Silver, Double Humpee, Bundy, and Legz

Q: Legz

7 Tough men braved the cool crisp morning for a tough workout sans Pipeline who owes Cat Scratch $25.

Warm-up: Mosey around the soccer field and lined up at one end of the field. We then did a 10 second count bear crawl followed by a 10 second sprint. Repeat until you get to the other end. On the way back we did a 10 second crab walk followed by a 10 second backwards run. Circled up at the center of the field to perform the usual warmup exercises.

The Thang: 7 of Diamonds. We would do an exercise at each corner of the field and increase the number of reps by 7 each round.

Round 1: 7 burpees

Round 2: 14 IC box cutters

Round 3: 21 merkins (Yes, 21 merkins)

Round 4: 28 Jump Squats

Round 5: 21 DC Shoulder Taps (non-standing)

Round 6: 14 IC Flutter Kicks

Round 7: 7 DC mountain climbers

Circled back up at the center to plank until 6:15. Recover, Recover!

Name-o-rama, COT! It was a pleasure.

F3 Christmas Party tomorrow night. Looking forward to it!