12 Days of Christmas


PAX: Dunphy, Freddie Mac, Pipeline, Cat Scratch, Legz

Q: Legz

Warm-up: Take a warm-up loop around the parking lot of Gator and circled up at Gator and performed various exercises while we wait for Cat Scratch to grace us with his presence.

5:38 am Cat Scratch shows and said he was told the workout starts at 5:45. We then mosey to the LFH for our workout.

The Thang: Traveling 12 days of Christmas. We would perform an exercise for all 12 days of Christmas and would rinse and repeat as the song 12 days of Christmas does. Dunphy proclaimed that the Muppet’s version of 12 days of Christmas is best. We would also travel across the campus of VWCC as we progressed through this workout.

1st day of Christmas: Run up LFH and perform 1 slow merkin

2nd Day of Christmas: Run to the next set of stairs, run up and down those set of stairs twice and when finished, performed 2 parker peters and 1 slow merkin.

3rd Day: Run to the star and run the length of the sidewalk three times and at the star, performed 3 star jumps, 2 parker peters, and 1 slow merkin.

4th Day: Crossed the street, run up and down stairs 4 times and performed 4 imperial walkers, 3 start jumps, 2 parker peters, 1 slow merkin.

5th day: Add 5 slow squats after a 5 second count crawl bear.

6th day: Add 6 planking shoulder taps after 6 suicides

7th day: Add 7 big boi’s after a 7 second bear crawl heading towards the top parking lot.

8th day: Add 8 merkins

9th day: Add 9 squat jumps

10th day: Add 10 monkey humpers

11th day: Add 11 burpees

12th day: Add 12 mountain merkins and finished at Gator.

Recover. Recover.

There was some talk about factorials to figure out the reps from this workout, but factorials are multiplied. I’m not sure the math terminology is to figure this out, but overall we performed 364 total reps. Merry Christmas!