Stair Hit


PAX: Prince Tuesday, Pipeline, Bundy, Rick James, Freddie Mac, Cat Scratch

Q: Cat Scratch

We welcomed back Bundy to active workouts after a hiatus to install a screw (what Freddie Mac noted appeared to be a dry wall screw) in his foot.

Due to the weather, I instructed the PAX to gather at the parking deck on Reserve Ave. We warmed up by yogging up the ramps to the second floor, doing some backwards runs and butt kickers along the way. Warmup included arm circles, IWs, slow squats, Abe Vagoda’s, Jack Webbs, and 5 burpees that included a SSH as you jumped up. It was an introduction so that we could perform some additional ones later.

Thang: Line up starting at the first landing from Ground floor, with the second PAX at the first floor, third PAX at the landing halfway up to the second floor, and so on. Each PAX runs up the half stairs and turns to perform the second half of the stairs, then back down.

Round 1

A. Run up and down the stairs, hitting every step. That’s 1 set. Do 10 sets.

B. Get into plank position with feet on floor and hands on the third step (your body will be at a 45-degree angle). Do 10 incline Merkins.

Round 2

A. Run up the stairs, skipping every other step. (Lean slightly forward and pump arms.) Walk back down. That’s 1 set. Do 10 sets.

B. Get into plank position with feet on the third step and hands on the floor (your body will form a 45-degree angle). Do 10 decline Merkins.

Round 3

A. Stand facing the stairs with feet wide. Bend knees slightly to start. Jump, swinging arms forward, landing softly in start position on the first step. Continue to the top. Walk back down. That’s 1 set. Do 5 sets.

B. Get into plank position with the right side of your body parallel to the first step and right hand on the first step, left hand on the floor. Do 10 uneven Merkins.

Round 4

A. Stand at bottom of stairs with your right side parallel to the first step. Leading with your right foot, run sideways up the staircase (it’s basically Karaoke), increasing speed as you go. Walk back down. That’s 1 set. Do 5 sets.

B. Get into plank position with the left side of your body parallel to first stair and left hand on the first step, right hand on the floor. Do 10 uneven Merkins.

Round 5

A. Stand on bottom step facing away from stairs. Jump onto the floor. Land softly and squat until butt almost touches bottom step, then step backward onto the stair. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

B. Get into plank position facing stairs with hands and feet on floor. Walk right hand onto the first step, then left hand; then walk right hand to the floor, then left hand. That’s 1 rep. Do 5 reps.  Switch sides; repeat.

We then got back into our starting positions and ran up two flights of stairs as we had been doing and complete 5 burpees that includes a SSH when you jump up each time; what we practiced in the warmup. Run back down perform 4 burpees/SSH, run up and do 3, down 2, up 1, down and then hold a plank.

Go down to G and perform some Mary: Each PAX picked their choice, 10 reps each, that included, flutter kicks, LBCs, penguin crunches, American hammers, suitcases, and Freddie Mercury’s.

One minute of stretching and recover-recover.

COT: Stair Run 9/10 in Salem, be there at 5:00 am. CPR training October 16, need space to conduct, looking for options. If you have space available, consider temporarily housing immigrants from Afghanistan as there is a need.

An honor and a privilege.