Clippin’ Coupons

PAX: Freddie Mac, Double Humpee, Legz, Bundy, Cat Scratch, Kwon Do, Dunphy
Q: Dunphy

Warm Up: Run a half lap around the soccer field and then the Legz warmup from Varsity but Merkin’d. 40 Merkins, run to end line and back, 30 Merkins, run to end line and back, 20 Merkins, run to end line and back, 10 Merkins, WMH x10 IC, Rubios x15 IC, Arm Circles x15 IC, RACs x15 IC, Good Mornings x10 IC, Overhead Claps x10 IC. Run a half lap.

Clippin’ Coupons for Good Livin’ (Thang): Timer was one PAX farmer carry water jugs around all 3 tennis courts (roughly 60 seconds). Stations were: Rubios, Thrusters, Sandbag Curls, Squats w/ Sandbag, Side to Sides w/ Sandbag, Kettle Bell Swings w/ Ruck. Rotate through all stations, then took a lap around the soccer field.
Round 2: Same timer, High Plank, Thrusters, Big Boys with Sandbag, Squats w/ Sandbag, Tricep Curls on ground, American Hammers w/ Ruck. Rotate through all stations, then took a lap around the soccer field.

Dealer’s Choice Mary