F3 500

Pain Train, Roanoke, VA

Conditions: 72 deg. F, humid

PAX: Cat Scratch, Double Humpee, Freddie Mac, Hutz, JV, Legz, Pipeline, Puffs, Rick James

Q: Pipeline

Nine stout men chose discomfort over comfort Monday morning and arrived at #Pain Train to better themselves.

At 0530 hours sharp, much to Cat Scratch’s disapproval, the PAX departed for a quick tour of our AO: a teardrop-shaped turnaround that would serve to break up our series of exercises. After a quick yog, some SSHs and a round of Abe Vigodas, the work commenced.

The Thang: The Pain Train 500. PAX would perform 100 total reps of four exercises, then take a brisk yog around the teardrop. Repeat five times. Each round was: 10 burpees, and then 20 of an exercise, 30 of another, and 40 of another. Five rounds x 100 reps = 500.

After much grumbling and Double Humpee saying “I don’t want to do (insert exercise),” the PAX concluded with a wall sit and then headed back to the cars. Feeling merciful, YHC cut the group loose at 6:13.

Announcements: 3rd F tonight at 1730 at Brambleton Deli. New Qs from the Nantan on down.

Legz took us away.

An honor and a privilege!