Monday Run Day

PAX: JV, DH, Prince Tuesday, Cat Scratch, Zorn, Blindspot, Dunphy
Q: Dunphy
I didn’t set out to run the PAX into the ground today, but that’s how it ended up. Q juice baby.
Run a lap of the parking lot, then across Reserve, SSH in place while Prince Tuesday wrestles with his tailgate then up the stair tower and down the other side, back to the Reserve lot.
Warm Up: Arm Circles, WMH, IW, Rubios, MC, Parker Peters, Slow Merkins
To the walls for Step Ups/Box Jumps, Dips, One Leg Squats, Derkins
To the field for Chase the Farmer. One PAX carries both sand bags around the field, the rest of the PAX performs set reps of an exercise, then chases farmer down. Exercises I remember: Merkins, Bottom Out Burpees, Squats, Flutter Kicks…other (7 rounds).
Then two PAX perform sand bag PT, while rest of PAX run half lap. Squats (3 rounds).
Two sandbag relays while rest of PAX do Mary: 10 Thrusters, 5 Burpees Jump over sandbag.
Blindspot took us out.
Great group, great to see Zorn out crushing it in his second post!