Pain Train, Roanoke, VA

Conditions: 46 deg. F, clear, full moon

PAX: Frack, HC3, JV, Pipeline, Prince Tuesday

Q: Pipeline

There was no rain this Monday, so Pipeline got in last week’s planned workout: CinderBOMBS. HC3 emerged from hibernation and JV drove around the block four or five times before he found us, but it was all good. There was also a full moon, but no werewolves. Pipeline was kind of hoping after UFOs on Friday. Anyway, the new fields at River’s Edge North were open, so it saved the PAX a yog with coupons across the river. We instead yogged to the center of the soccer field closest to the parking lot, did a warm up, and hit it.

The Thang: CinderBOMBS.

50 total partner burpees while the traveling partner dragged one of Pipeline’s 32# F3 cinderblocks to midfield…while bear crawling…and ran back.

100 total overhead cinderblock thrusts performed by the traveling partner, who walked to midfield and back. The stationary partner did SSH.

150 merkins with both hands on the cinderblock while the traveling partner lunge walked to midfield and ran back.

200 big boys performed with the cinderblock held over chest, while the traveling partner backwards ran to the far sideline and back.

250 squats with coupon while the traveling partner ran to the far sideline and back.

Return to the cars. Recover, recover. Announcements, name-o-rama, and JV took us away.

An honor and a privilege!