HIIT Workout


PAX: Dairy Queen, Double Humpy, Rick James, Cat Scratch

Q: Cat Scratch

It was a balmy 43 degrees as we took off to run around the loop to warm up. Stopped on front of the Elementary School to continue warmups and do our thang.

Warmups: SSHs, IWs, Good Mornings, Arm Circles, Jack Webbs, Arm Circles

Thang: Found some new ideas online and wanted to try them out. Using a timer, complete a series of exercises that had varying work and rest times and number of sets.

  1. Burpees
    • 6 sets, 30 sec on, 30 sec rest
  2. Big Boys
    • 3 sets, 60 sec on, 10 sec rest
  3. Shuttle Runs
    • 2 Sets, 90 sec on, 30 sec rest
    • Run half way across parking lot (approx. 40 ft.) and back continuously
  4. Double Leg Lower
    • 3 Sets, 60 sec on , 20 sec rest
  5. Merkins
    • 6 Sets, 30 sec on, 30 sec rest

We then tried Jump Squat Holds. Start out in a squat position, perform jump squat and come back down into squat position and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat for a total of 10.

Next we tried some Plank Punches. Start in a high plank position, with your arms extended and your hands under your shoulders. Bring one arm out to punch straight in front of you, parallel with your body. Alternate arms with each punch. 10 each arm.

Finally, tried some Squat Kicks. Feet closer together than you would for a normal squat. Lower into a squat, then drive back up and kick out in front of you, alternating legs with each rep. 10 each leg.

We finished off with some LBCs and Freddie Mercury’s.

Herschel drove by to say hello near the end of the workout, just as he promised on Slack last night. It was so nice to see him.


Book Club meeting Monday night at 6:00 pm at Big Lick Brewery.

Cat Scratch took us away in brief prayer.

Great way to start the day.