Tour de VTC

PAX: Cat Scratch, Dairy Queen, Puffs, Bundy, Legz, Dunphy
Q: Dunphy
6 PAX for a #PainTrain strings-on-a-pearl style tour of VTC. It’s unclear where the warm up ended and the workout began, but we worked.
Run a lap of the new lot, with 10 Merkins OYO at the far end. Puffs joins, promptly catches up on his Merkins. Back at cars, 10 more Merkins OYO, 25 SSH IC and off we go on our traveling warm up. Run across Reserve, lunge walk from one lightpole to the next, 10 Merkins OYO. Run to corner, 20 Rubios IC, 10 Merkins OYO. Run to VTC steps on Jefferson, 10 One Leg Squats IC each leg, 10 Urkins OYO. Run through VTC, hit the steps, 10 Merkins OYO. Run to the parking deck and up to 1.
PAX wall sits, first man 5 Burpees then hits the stair tower to 6, next man starts his Burpees so that we are staggered, etc. 5 Burpees at top of stair tower, run across top of deck, 5 Burpees, down to 1, 5 Burpees, back across deck to start, wall sit until everyone is back.
Round 2 is 20 Squats (x4), with Plank.
Round 3 is 10 Merkins (x4), with Low Squat Hold.
Run back to Reserve lot for Dealer’s Choice Mary.
Recover, recover.