The Golden Spike Run

Weather: 62 and Clear

PAX: Cake, Cat Scratch, Double Humpy, Dunphy, Freddie Mac, Herman, Herschel, Legz, JV, Pipeline, Rick James, Zebra

Q: JV/Zebra

In the true spirit of America 🇺🇸, the Golden Spike Run was held this morning and brought together two communities much like the transcontinental railroad unified our continent 150 years ago.

After some logistical gymnastics with dropped cars and a comically overloaded Uber worthy of a 1-Star user rating, the men were restless, but ready. 12 Pax departed Swift Donkey (9) and Salem (3), respectively, at 5:30am to begin their journey. The Pax traveled the equidistant, 4-mile run, before finally meeting at the El Toreo (Brandon and Peters Creek).

@RickJames added to the drama by being last to enter the parking lot to cheers and adoration as fellow pax paid their respects. This journey less traveled completed Rick James’ #Ocho. CONGRATS!

4 hearty men completed the 8-mile round-trip run back to Swift Donkey- @Dunphy, @ Legz, @FreddieMac and @ Pipeline. Respect. Props to @Zebra for the run idea and for the Co-Q.


@Cat Scratch took us out.

An honor to be in the company of great men. @JV