BurpMerk Pyramid


PAX: Cat Scratch, Pipeline, Michael Michaels, Frizzle, AltarBoy (Lexington, SC), Kwon Do, Bundy, DH, Dunphy

Q: Dunphy

Run the block, Reserve, Jefferson, VTC, with 10 derkins and 10 merkins thrown in, back to deck.

Warm Up: 10 Merkins (because Cat Scratch), The Motivator – you know it you love it. WMH x10IC, AC x15 IC, RAC x15 IC, Jack Webbs x15 IC, Slow Squat x15 IC.

1 Burpee with 10 Merkins at the bottom, run ramp from G to 1
2 Burpees with 9 Merkins at the bottom, run across deck
3 Burpee2 with 8 Merkins at the bottom, run ramp from 1 to 2
10 Burpees with 1 Merkin

At top of deck, 2 PAX run down stairs and back while rest of PAX do ab exercise…Freddie Mercuries, Flutter Kicks, LBCs, American Hammers, Heels to Heaven.

Run to G for COT.

Announcements: F3 Turkey Bowl, day after Thanksgiving 11-29-19. Sign up!
AltarBoy took us out.