Hacking Father Time

PAX: Puffs, Dumphy, Pipeline, Double Humpy, Buubs, Cat Scratch, Herschel, Legz, Bounty, Kwon Do, Chaps, Twitch

Q: Twitch

The Q arrives right on time after spending several frustrating minutes at home looking for his watch. With no watch and insufficient oxygen in the brain, we went over for a few minutes. Not to be repeated!

Warmup: Mosey to Wiley Dr where we circled up on soccer field for 28 SSH, 28 FAC, 28 RAC and 16 WMH all in IC. We then lunge walked to end of soccer field and ran back at max speed (10% for some of us).

The Thang: BOMBS

Announcements: F2 on Wednesday (6/19/19) at Starr Hill.

COT and Pipeline took us away.

As always – it is truly an honor to workout with all of you.