Happy Birthday Cat Scratch

8 pax (Pinky, Cat Scratch, Double Humpee, SeaOrg, Palmolive, JV, Pipeline, and FNG WOOOOO!) showed up on a pleasantly warm morning for a birthday celebration for Cat Scratch.

Pipeline reminded me not to kill the FNG. OK, good point. Changed plans on the fly. No more 50 Shades of merkins on the LFH. Darn it. Hmmmmm…..

So, we jogged a lap of the parking lot (after JV drove in late and waited for Pipeline to get the door for him) while I thought. Then we veered off toward the other LFH by VWCC. As a mom was dropping off her little swimmer we gave Pipeline the opportunity to open her door as well. He didn’t take it.

We circled up in the parking lot at the base of the hill to give a disclaimer (blame Dunphy if you get hurt, its always his fault) and warm up. 50 SSH for Cat Scratch. 10 WMH for Cat Scratch. A few other things (also for Cat Scratch). Then I asked Cat Scratch for his age…56…so we did 56 merkins OYO. (PAX asked Cat Scratch, a.k.a. Honest Abe, why he didn’t lie…made me think “Ray, when someone asks if you’re a God, you say YES!”)

Off to the next parking lot (almost to the top of the hill) where we did BOMBS. (50 Burpees; 100 double count overhead arm claps; 150 merkins; 200 big boy situps; 250 squats).

Times almost out. Run back to the first lot. 56 more merkins OYO for Cat Scratch. Back to the cars. COM, etc.

Found out the FNG (Ryan) was a wrestler…..that led us to Rick Flair…which for obvious reason led to WOOOOO! (Please note spelling. It’s important. Also, when pronouncing you must elevate pitch and hold for at least 3 seconds…even while exercising). For the record, WOOOOO! would have been just fine with the 50 Shades of merkins….

Also, its not Cat Scratch’s birthday.