Cooler than running

Pax: Space jam manti zebra frizzle Blindspot spot and cake

Q: Cake

Ruck to court

10 pull ups / court Mount Everest 

Ruck to field

Bear crawl 10yd 1 burpee Bear crawl 10 yards to Burpee‘s bear crawl 10 yards three Burpee‘s bear crawl 10 yards for Burpee’s bear crawl 10 yards five Burpee‘s. 

Partner push 25 yards switch partner push 25 yards 

Ruck to hill 

Two man injured warrior carry a third of the hill switch carry a third of the hill switch finish the third of the hill. 

Ruck back to the park

Fireman carry up the entrance driveway to park. 

Name a Rama and COT. 

See you boys a Mac and Bob’s second F event tonight