Sparta Ruck & Stuff…

QIC: Zebra

Pax: Space Jam, Dunphy, Puffs, Manti, Cat Scratch, Cake, Zebra

7 pax entered Sparta with the following coupons; 2-35lb dumbells, 2 ruck sacks, wood block, bag of granola bars, 3 cement blocks, 2 ruck weights.  The warm-up and workout consists of rotating through coupons, specific exercise, traveling with coupon.

Warm-up: IC exercises with rotating coupons of 10 Chest Presses, 10 SMerkins, 10 Overhead Presses, 10 Lying Overhead Extensions

Thang:  Start with an exercise, travel with coupon, plank or coupon hold overhead until Pax complete

100- Crunches

90- Shoulder Taps

80- Flutter Kicks

70- Bent over Rows

60- Curls

50- Merkins

40- Chest Presses in American Hammer position

30- Overhead Presses

20- HR Merkins

10- Bodybuilder minus the burpee

Finish with various stationary exercises with coupons

COT; Names; Announcements

Enjoyed it today guys!