A Bitter Return to the LFH

Q: Dunphy

PAX: Jimmer, Dracula, Prince Tuesday, FNG Conrad, Acorn, Cat Scratch, Twitch, Seabiscuit, LegZ, Space Jam, Glee, Pinky, HC3, JV, CaliD, Puffs, Tollbooth, Dunphy

0436 Text from Blindspot (read at 0507) indicates Blindspot’s 2.0 took him to the cleaners last night…so the 18 PAX were stuck with me on Q today.

So, after bouncing a few ideas off Pinky (and paying for it with 50 EC clicker merkins) then dismissing most of his masochistic suggestions, we decided it was a good day for a visit to our old friend the LFH.

Warm Up: SSH x43, IW x23, WMH x7, WM x9, Slow Merkins x13, MC x24

Split into 2 groups of 9. Indian Run to the bottom of the LFH.


Round 1: Group 1 runs up 3 light poles, 20 HR Merkins, runs back to first light pole. Group 2 Lunge/Squatx2 Walk to first light pole. Switch and repeat.

Round 2: Group 1 runs up 3 light poles, 15 Man Makers, runs back 2 light poles. Group 2 Crawl Bear to next light pole. Switch and repeat.

Round 3: Group 1 runs up 4 light poles, 15 Toe Touch Merkins, runs back 3 light poles. Group 2 Traveling Burpees to next light pole. Switch and repeat, but Group 2 does toe touch merkins until Group 1 catches up at the top of the LFH.

Run back to Fishburn.

Recover, recover.

Name-o-rama, COT

Welcome FNG Conrad!


Reply to Blindspot if you are in for the McAfee’s run on Monday 9/4

Stair run on 9/11 starts at 0515, same AO: Reserve Ave