The Wagon Wheel

2 new FNGs, courtesy of Grunge, roll in at 5:29. We start the warm up laps with 9 guys. Did some some butt kickers and ended with some slalom indian runs. As we finish the jog 4 more Salem guys decided to grace us with their presence. Must be that 5:30a city traffic. We circle up for a quick head count of 13 guys followed by 15 willie mays hayes, 20 imperial walkers, 30 side shuttle hops, and closed it out with 10 windmills.

Next up,the Wagon Wheel.

Starting with our small circle, we each take a cone and walk out about 40 yards and dropped the cone to create a 2nd concentric circle. We return to the inner circle where I proceeded to tweak my hammy by bending over to pick up my exercise note cards. Thank god I did the disclaimer for the FNGs or I would have sued right then and there- mainly out of embarrassment. Who the F gets injured in a warm up?!! After a few laughs and some mocking I laid out 13 note cards with varying exercises in the inner circle (flutter kick, long jump, bear crawl, merkins, monkey humpers, hand release merkins, LBCs, star jumps, lunge walk,swimmers, arm circles, traveling burpees, bear crawl/crawl bear, long jump). Start with a station. Traveling exercises go to an outside cone and back. Stationary exercises done at the inner circle. Once done with your respective exercise, you had to run to the outside circle and then around the circle until everyone was done. Then back to the inner circle, shift counter-clockwise one station and repeat. We got through 9 of the 13 exercises before 5:10a rolled around.

Next up: minute marys with dealer’s choice. We squeezed in 3 exercises before time ran out. Note: Don’t ever ask Cake to track the 1 minute countdowns. Apparently, his watch was made on Saturn because 1 minute was actually 3 minutes.

Circle up, FNG first concert was Reba McEntire. That’s a no brainer. Welcome to F3, Reba! 2nd FNG (Juan). B-ball and soccer referee so we named him Redcard but….he failed to mention he is a college cheerleader so he can get free tutoring and meet other athletes. Pom-pom would have been better but Redcard it is.

Peace out!