Coming up on 10

Lionel Richie | Roanoke, VA

Conditions: 31 deg. F | Sunny, calm

PAX: Billy Ray Valentine (FNG), Chungus (0.5), Herschel (IR), JV, Pipeline, Tolllboooth

Q: Pipeline

Pipeline’s Q reign of terror came to an end with Sunday’s Lionel Richie run: 7.5 glorious miles on the Lick Run greenway. Tollllboooth hung a 5 on the scoreboard and called it a morning. JV’s calf held up so he, YHC and FNG Billy Ray Valentine went as far as the greenway bridge over 581 and back. Herschel was present but still not 100 percent, so he and Chungus went for a walk.

JV was sure our mileage was more than our watches indicated: “We must be coming up on (insert miles) by now.”

A beautiful morning and a good time was had by all. Welcome FNG Billy Ray Valentine!