August 10, 2018
PAX: Hershel, Matlock, Pipeline, Pinky, Catscratch, Sea Biscuit, Cake, Frack
QIC: Frack
8 PAX sacrificed sleep for some early morning no rest for the weary (or wicked?) non-stop fitness. We started off with a single loop in anticipation of any late comers. Zippy, so we jogged past the ruts across the street to a small parking lot where we did a quick warmup.
10 Willy Mays Hayes
15 Rubios
15 Imperial walkers
16 SSH
We mosey’d over to the next building wehre we partnered up. Ptr1 ran down stairs along the sidewalk and up the stairs while Ptr2 performed a stationary exercise.
Round 1: Merkins
Round 2: Monkey humpers
Round 3: Burpees
Round 4: Arm circle while doing squats
We finish it off with a 10 count plank and then mosey to other side of building to far side of the parking lot. Ptr1 performs a travel exercise in the parking while Ptr2 runs up walkway in between the tennis courts, up the stairs, up the hill behind the building and turns around at the top of the hill before the walkway takes a hard right.
Round 1: Sideways bear crawl to the first median and back
Round 2: Lunges to the end and back
Plank it out when done.
No rest for the weary. We jog up the walkway into onto the grass hill and jog backwards to the middle parking lot steps behind the school. Everyone grabs a sandbag and jogs to the bottom of the parking lot. Ptr1 runs up to the other end of the parking lot, does 5 chest presses and returns. Ptr2 does squats with the bags on our shoulders. Ptrs switch and repeat. We end the set with 5 squats and return the bags.
Down the hill we job all the way back to the starting parking lot where we perform a 6 inch hold until 6:15 (~3min)
It wasn’t the most exciting workout but I’m feeling it so it was a good workout. A pleasure to lead you guys, as always!