
72 deg | Humid | Clear skies

PAX: Flo, HC3, Klump, Manti, Palmolive, Pinky

Q: Pipeline

Seven PAX gathered in the dark under a starry sky outside Sparta this morning, to do the only thing you can do in a big, empty parking lot–run around it in circles.

Warm-o-rama: Yog, SSH IC x 25, Arm Circles x 15 IC, Reverse Arm Circles x 15 IC, WHM x 15 IC, Squat x 10 IC, Standing hamstring stretch x 30 count

The Thang:

Variations on the Indian Run/Catch Up for approx. 5-7 min. each with brief rest in between:

  1. Indian Run
  2. Black Snake
  3. Railroad Tracks
  4. Bataan Death March
  5. Bear Crawl Indian Run with Big Boys



An honor and a privilege!