Fartsack Friday

Workout date: May 18, 2018 “Fartsack Friday”

Conditions: 66 and light rain


PAX: Double Humpee, Cat Scratch, Cake, Pipeline

As post time approached Pipeline was relieved to see the other PAX roll up so he wouldn’t have to be both Q and PAX. Braving a light rain that kept most of F3 Roanoke in their pajamas, Cat Scratch immediately took charge and moseyed the group around a bit and over to the parking area at Fishburn Elementary.


  • SSH, IW, arm circles, reverse arm circles, WMH, Carolina copperheads, 10 merkins OYO, other stuff

The Thang: The remaining PAX took turns leading the remainder of the workout.

  • Cake: Ascending ladder in parking spaces: lunge x 1 each leg and a mountain climber. Ascend to 12.
  • Double Humpee: One partner ran around driveway circle while the other did exercises on the benches: Dips, step ups, and then derkins.
  • Pipeline: 14 minutes of Mary. Moseyed to James Madison Middle awning. LBCs, Big Boys, Penguins, legs to the sky thing, flutter kicks, one minute front, left and right elbow planks.

Recover. Recover.

COT. Name-o-rama. Gear order is successful. Cat Scratch with the prayer. GTFO.
