Ice Cold


4 PAX braved the cold today: Cat Scratch, Double Humpee, Rick James, and Legz

Q: Legz

Warm-up: Mosey around parking lot and stopped at benches in front of James Madison M.S. We performed various warm-up exercises. Mosey to the parking lot in front of Fishburn Elem. School.

Partnered up and had a series of exercises and travel exercises.

Round 1: Partner 1 would do mountain climbers while partner 2 lunge walked to a specified point and jog back. Switch and repeat

Round 2: Partner 1: squats, Partner 2: crab walk, switch and repeat.

The Thang: Doracides 1-2-3-4(?)- Same thing as Dora 1-2-3, except suicides as the travel.

Round 1: 100 total merkins between partners. While one is exercising the other is performing suicides with Wojo’s at each turn.

Round 2: 200 total LBC’s, Double Merkin Burpees at each turn

Round 3: 300 squats, 2 big boys at each turn

Round 4 (Since we had time): 400 Overhead claps, 5 IC SSH’s at each turn.

Mosey back to to Gator parking and finished with Mary. Recover. Recover.

Name-o-rama followed by COT

Great job fellas.