Getting sandy

Sparta, Salem, VA

Conditions: 66 deg. F, light breeze

PAX: Herschel, JV, Pipeline, Steak Knives (F3 Cape Fear), Zebra

Q: Pipeline

Five men chose Tuesday morning to come out and get a little stronger. YHC led the group on a Navy SEALS-inspired workout.

Warmup: Yog with a sandbag on the road to the YMCA. SSH, Jack Webbs, Rubios, Windmills.

The Thang: Pull-up workout followed by Getting Sandy. PAX took turns on the pullup bar while the group jogged in place and counted reps:

Round 1: 10 pullups (two groups of five) followed by 20 big boys, 20 flutter kicks IC, 20 squats. Take a lap around the building.

Round 2: 10 chinups (two groups of five) followed by 20 big boys, 20 flutter kicks IC, 20 squats. Take a lap around the building.

Round 3: 10 hanging knee raises (two groups of five) followed by 20 big boys, 20 flutter kicks IC, 20 squats. Take a lap around the building.

Getting Sandy: PAX veered off to the Roanoke College sand volleyball court. One PAX bear crawled the length of the court dragging the sandbag while the stationary PAX did Navy SEAL burpees (squat, extend legs, one merkin, right knee forward, one merkin, left knee forward, one merkin, bring legs in, jump up).

Back to the cars. Quick Mary. Recover. Recover.

COT. Stuff happening. Check Slack. Come on back anytime Steak Knives, who showed us how it’s done Wilmington style. Name-o-rama and YHC took us out. An honor and a privilege!