Hello Old Friend

PAX: Frack, Freddie Mac, DH, Prince Tuesday, Mainframe, Pipeline, Rick James, Snake, Dunphy
Q: Dunphy
9 PAX got their mind right for the week ahead.
Warm Up: Yog down Reserve around VTC to area outside parking deck.
SSH x25 IC, WMH x10 IC, Run Stair Tower (Hello, Old Friend)
Arm Circles x20 IC, RACs x20 IC, Rubios x20 IC, Run Stair Tower
IW x20 IC, Slow Merkins x10 IC, Run Stair Tower
SSH x28 in Silent Cadence, no Stair Tower if everyone stops on 28. FAIL (Frack and maybe a couple others), Run Stair Tower.
Back to tennis court for deck o’ death:
12 Burpees at full court, 5 Rocky Balboas at each court (suicide), 15 HR Merkins at full court, 15 Jump Squats at full court, 2 Rocky Balboas Suicide, 3 HR Merkins Suicide, 3 Burpees Suicide, 13 Rocky Balboas at full court, 13 Burpees at full court.
Mary: Americans Hammers x25 IC, Flutter Kicks x25 IC, Plank-o-rama