You got SF’d!

Overlander, Roanoke, VA

Conditions: 68 deg. F, mostly cloudy

PAX: Cat Scratch, Dairy Queen, Dunphy, Legz, Pipeline, Snake

Q: Pipeline

The day had arrived: the day Frack was going to get Shovel Flagged.

We’d been planning it for weeks. Hoping that Frack would not post, Pipeline had an entire backup workout planned if he did. But, a few days before, Frack announced he was injured. He even suggested that the group go work out in Buubs’ yard after Buubs dissed us bigly (but that’s another story).

Oh, the irony.

The PAX departed Overlander, shovel flag in hand, and yogged the 3/4 mile to Frack’s house. Planting the shovel flag directly into Frack’s natural gas line in his front yard, the group then stared at each other and said, now what?

25 burpees each.

With that accomplished, the PAX yogged back to Overlander and scaled the heights to the top lot at Western to enjoy the sunrise.

The remainder of BOMBS commenced.

Yog back to the cars. A few flutter kicks and we were done. A rainbow appeared in the heavens, pointing the way to where the shovel flag stood proudly in Frack’s grass. The Holy Spirit filled Dairy Queen and he stopped talking for a moment.

Frack had been SF’d.