It was a Cold, Blustery Day


PAX: Dunphy, Legz, Pipeline, Double Humpy, Frac, Dairy Queen, FNG aka Klick Bait, Cat Scratch

Q: Cat Scratch

Eight Pax got together this cold and blustery morning to try and shake off the weather and get after it. We started to jog over to Reserve avenue when DQ and Frac pull up. We performed squats until they gathered themselves and then we jogged over to Reserve Ave. and stopped along Reserve to try out some Merkins and squats. We pulled in to the new parking lot and tried out some exercises to warm up a bit more.

SSHs, fwd arm circles, Parker Peters, LBCs, F3 Swimmers, Slow Merkins, Imperial Walkers, reverse arm circles, Marco Rubio’s on the curb, then Derkins on the curb, rotate 90 and perform merkins, rotate 90 and Erkins on the turn, rotate 90 and more merkins. We did stop at one point early on and perform 5 burpees due to excessive mumble chatter.

Yog over to the bleachers for 10 step up each leg and then 10 dips.

Thang: Yogged over the parking lot just behind the bleachers where tit was well lit and utilized a deck of cards to perform some exercises and then run around the loop of that section of the lot and repeat. The first card determined the exercise, as determined by the Q, and the second card determined the number of reps, as interpreted by the Q.

We did merkins, star jumps, spidermans, monkey humpers, along with several core exercises.

We then jogged over to the bridge crossing the river and Everest the first half and Broad jump the second half. We then ran down Wiley Drive and made our way back the Varsity for some Mary. A variety of core excersises completed it was time to name out FNG.

Apparently, Dunphy had come up with a name based on discussions with Ken (his first name) and discovering his last name was Klick. With no one else offering any other reasonable alternative, Klickbait was chosen (oh, and he is also a gamer, so there you go). Welcome Klickbait!

Namarama and COT.

Great way to warmup this morning.

A pleasure and an honor.