A Nice Fall Morning


PAX: Dunphy, Tollbooth, Rick James, HC3, Dairy Queen, Legz, Cat Scratch

Q: Cat Scratch

A nice 54 degree morning on the field was what was needed for 7 PAX.

Warmup: Run around the field and then circle up for a few exercises: SSHs, IWs, Arm Circles, Jack Webbs, Merkins, LBCs, Mtn. Climbers, Stretching, High Knees, squat jumps, Heels to Heaven, and maybe a few more.

Lined up at one end of the field and performed Everest’s to the first light pole, then perform an exercise, continue to the next light pole, perform and exercise, repeat to the end of the field and then go back down the field with different modes of travel and exercises. Travel included running forwards and backwards, skipping, and some bear crawls. Exercises include merkins, LBCs, squats, squat jumps, SSHs.

We then performed some exercises at one end of the field. They included Spider Man Steps, Burpee with Overhead clap, Lateral Bear crawl pushups, Chuck Norris pushups, Split Squat Jumps, and Overhead Squats to March. I think we also did a few more. We then ran down the field and back a few times and then lined up on the side of the field and ran over and back and performing a few exercises at the end or mid way.

We were able to conduct a little Mary and performed some American Hammers and 6 inches with shoulders off the ground while pumping your arms on your side.

Namarama, adn announcements. Get your name on the Q signup sheet. Third F is on Monday’s at 6:00 pm at Bick Lick. Book is Everybody Always.

A blessed day!