HIIT Hop Hooray πŸŽ›πŸ”ŠπŸ•ΊπŸ½πŸƒπŸ½πŸ₯ž

Weather: 72, clear and ridiculously muggy

PAX: Double Humpy, Dunphy, HC3, JV, Legz, Pipeline, Virginia Creeper, Zebra


8 PAX met for a Monday morning throwdown.

Warmup: Yog down Edinburgh to Franklin, around the tennis courts and back to the fields. Ominously watched the sprinklers move increasingly closer. SSO(rgerons), Marco Rubios, FACs, RACs, WMHs.

The Thang: HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout to JV’s sick beats. 40 seconds of work; 20 seconds of rest; 5 exercises per Round; 6 Rounds

Round 1: Run around soccer goal and back; Big Boys, Burpees, SSOs, Squats

Round 2: Run; Merkins, Freddie Mercuries, Pickle Pounders, Alternating Lunges

Round 3: H.R. Merkins, Plank Jacks, Squats, American Hammers, Run to swampy scoreboard and back

Round 4: Burpees, LBCs, SSOs, Carolina Dry Docks, Run

Round 5: Merkins, Alt. Lunges, Speed Skaters, Plank, Run around distant field goal

Round 6: Burpees, Lunge Walk (travel), SSOs, Squats, Lap around distant field goal

Announcements; Name-O-Rama; COT; HC3 took us out.

A true pleasure. JV