Legz’s’z’s Birthday

Victory Valley, Roanoke, VA

Conditions: 42 deg. F, slightly rainy

PAX: Al Bundy, Herschel, Legz, My Precious, Pipeline

Q: Pipeline

Pipeline reached for his clothes in the dryer at 5 AM, only to grab a handful of wet polyester. He said something unkind about someone’s mother, started the dryer, and texted Herschel. Fortunately, the PAX warmed themselves up with a yog around the deck, and by the time Pipeline arrived (5:35 AM, or “Early,” Puffs Standard Time) we were ready to celebrate Legz’ 36th birthday!

We did a few exercises and then it was off to the races. Maintaining social distancing, the group performed ladders up the ramp from G to 1, as follows:

Round 1: Bear crawl two parking spaces, do one big boy. Two more spaces, two big boys. Two spaces, three big boys, and so on. Yog back to bottom.

Round 2: Lunge walk three spaces, one merkin. Accelerate.

Round 3: Crab walk two spaces, one flutter kick. Increase and repeat.

Round 4: Backwards run three spaces and a burpee. Herschel loved the 10 or so burpees at the top and maintained excellent form. For an old woman.

At this point Pipeline thought to himself, “What Cat Scratch would do?”, and a voice inside his head said, “Quit.” Fortunately, it was 6:15. We did the socially distanced COT and Bundy showed us a picture of himself driving a race car.

Happy birthday, Legz!