Variations on the Familiar


PAX: Hershel, Legz, JV, Kwon Do, Double Humpy, Prince Tuesday, Cat Scratch

Q: Cat Scratch

A unseasonably warm Friday (had to be 55 degrees) was a welcome on this fine morning. Seven PAX gathered to round out the week and off we went around the loop, stopping at the benches to do some step ups, derkins, box jumps, and dips. We then moseyed on over to the parking lot to a few exercises. Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, SSH’s.

We then lined up at one end of the parking lot and performed some Everest to the other end. We then moseyed over the upper parking lot at VWCC. Along the way we stopped a few times to perform some derkins and dips.

We then began to perform a series on new exercises that are variations on familiar exercises. I used Herschel as my demonstrator throughout. He was most helpful.

Overhead squats to march

With both arms straight above head, drive hips back and lower tailbone toward the ground. After reaching maximum range of motion drive the hips forward and upward.  As you return to standing position kick your right leg upward and bring your left hand across your body to meet your right foot. Alternate for 30 seconds.

Reverse lunge with arm raise (Hip flexor stretch)

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Step right foot back into lunge position while raising both arms overhead and leaning back. Return to standing position and repeat on the same side for five repetitions and repeat on the opposite side. Then perform 5 more on each side.

Spider Steps

In pushup position, place your right foot two inches outside of your right hand, driving your hips forward. Return to pushup position and repeat on the other side.  Alternate for 30 seconds.

T Pushups

In pushup position, lower your chest down toward the ground keeping your core engaged and your back flat. Pressing your hands into the floor lift your chest upward.  When returning to pushup position rotate your right hand upward while pivoting your feet left until both heels touch the ground. Place hand back down and alternate sides. X10

Burpee w/ Overhead Clap (bottom of rep)

From standing position squat down placing your hands on the ground. Hop both feet back into plank position keeping your core engaged and your back flat. Lower your chest to the ground until you’re completely on your stomach. Release your hands from the ground and, while keeping your head in neutral spine position, clap both hands above the crown of your head.  Return your hands outside of your shoulders, engage your core, and lift your body back to pushup position. Hop both feet forward at shoulder width while pushing your upper body back.  Return to standing position and repeat. X10

Stair Sprints

Utilizing a set of stairs sprint upward keeping your toes up, driving your knees upward as high as possible. Keep your chest over your thighs and your arms driving forward and back at 90 degrees as your foot strikes every other stair. Finish to the top and go back down under control. X3

Split Squat Jumps

Start in lunge position with your right foot forward, your left foot back, and your knees at 90 degrees. With arms behind you drive both feet into the ground throwing both arms forward and jump as high as possible. As you reach your highest point scissor your foot, so your right foot is now behind you and your left foot in front. Land in a lunge position returning your arms behind you. Perform until the other PAX finish their Stair Sprints.

Lateral Bear Crawl Pushups

Start in pushup position making sure your core is engaged and your back is flat. Shifting to your right, place your right hand and foot 4 inches outside of your right shoulder, then bringing your left hand and foot back to shoulder width. Repeat for one more cycle and then perform a pushup. Travel back to the left for two cycles and perform another pushup. X10

We then had half the PAX run Stair Sprints again while the other half run the full length of the parking lot and back. Swap and repeat.

We then performed 20 LBC’s in cadence. We began to mosey back to Fishburn and stopped a few time along the way to perform 10 merkins OYO.

A final exercise of 6-inch hold while pumping arms to 100. Recover Recover.

Namaroma, Announcements – Black Friday Football.

Great Friday! An honor to be with these fine men!