The Partner Soggies (Pipeline’s New Band)

Conditions: 56 deg. F | Humid, overcast, cool

PAX: Bundy, Chaps, Dunphy, El Chapo (Raleigh), Frack, Frizzle, HC3, Legz, Michael Michaels, Pipeline, Puffs, Rick James

Q: Pipeline

12 High-Impact Men blessed us with even numbers on a soggy Wednesday to do some partner workouts on the totally dry, mud-free soccer pitch. (The Partner Soggies’ new LP drops on Friday; 12″ vinyl with complimentary digital download only $24.99)

Warmup: SSH while waiting for Frack, whom Dunphy forgot to pick up (d’oh!). Then a few burpees while waiting for Michael Michaels…and then Puffs pulled in. Yog over to grab Puffs and then it was south on Franklin Rd. to the soccer pitch. A quick railroad run around the perimeter was followed by a few exercises, and then everyone partnered up.

Round 1: Partner carry from the goal box to midfield; switch and continue to the far goal box; switch and head back to midfield; switch and return to the starting point. Legz and HC3 wiped out.

Round 2: Wheelbarrow carry to the opposite goal box and back; switching at midfield.

Round 3: Pattycake merkins: 25 at the near goal box, run to the far goal box, 25 there, and then run back to the start.

Round 4: Partner burpees: 5 at the near goal box, 5 at midfield, 5 at the far goal box, 5 at midfield, back to the near goal box.

Indigenous People’s Run back to the deck. 5 MOM and then COT. Axe-throwing on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 5:30; the Turkey Bowl is Black Friday at Sparta. EH a seldom-seen PAX and get on the Q sheet. Welcome El Chapo from Raleigh; welcome back Puffs and Frizzle!

An honor and a pleasure as always.