
Conditions: 70 deg. F | Overcast | Humid

PAX: Buubs, Cat Scratch, Chaps, Herschel, Johnny 5, Legz, Pipeline, Puffs, Rick James

Q: Pipeline

Nine HIM sought Victory in the Valley this morning.

Warmup: Touch the webs on the first floor ramp, then up the stairs to the roof. Quick warmup and then it was 30 minutes of Tabatas (20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest x eight rounds, followed by one minute of recovery, all times six cycles of burpees, flutter kicks, LBCs, lunges, mountain climbers and squats).

Brief pause to admire the mountains.

Down to G for 5 MOM. Recover. Recover.

Count-o-rama. Announcements: F3 Lunch is Friday at Tuco’s. Spartan on Aug. 25. Ruck workout with Puffs on Sunday at 0700 in the sand volleyball court behind the Salem Y. Leadership group is Monday at 5:30 pm at Deschutes. Topic: Freed to Lead and the Three Dimensions of Work. Name-o-rama.

Buubs took us away.

An honor and a privilege.