An Old Friend(s)

PAX: Pinky, Puffs, Dunphy
Q: Dunphy

A visit to an old friend turned into a visit to two old friends at Overlander. Initially, just Pinky and I set off for the LFH after a round of pull ups. Upon arrival we warmed up quickly as follows: 25 SSH OYO, WMH x10 IC, IW x20 IC, MC x20 IC

Then, make our way up the LFH as follows:
Round 1: Wheelbarrow to the first light pole, switch wheelbarrow to 2nd light pole, run back to bottom of hill for 10 HR Merkins and back to 2nd light pole
Round 2: Travelling burpee from 2nd to 3rd light pole, run back to bottom of hill for 10 HR Merkins and back to 3rd light pole…at the bottom, Puffs shows after an exhaustive search of the SFH. We repeat the wheelbarrow and traveling burpee sections for Puffs (sorry, not sorry he was).
Round 3: Everest with 2 squats which Pinky dubbed K2 from 3rd to 4th, same run down and back w/ 10 HR Merkins
Round 4: Slow bear crawl (Dragon Crawl per Pinky), same run down and back w/ 10 HR Merkins
Round 5: Crawl bear, same run down and back w/ 10 Mountain Merkins
Round 6: Sprint to top

Return to Gator to reunite with our other old friend the pull up bar. Sets of 10, 10 and 5, with other doing squats while waiting.

Run the school loop and stop at benches for Mary: 10 box jumps, 20 box squats, 20 flutter kicks IC, 15 Heels to Heaven IC, 15 Freddie Mercuries IC, 30 LBCs OYO, 10 box jumps, 20 box squats.

Run back to cars.

Recover, recover


Godspeed to the GrowRuckers this weekend in Richmond.
All PAX, don’t forget – Saturday April 27th 6:30 am, F3 Roanoke 3rd Anniversary workout. #everyoneposts