An Angel Gets Its Wings; or, There Are No Rules

Conditions: 36 deg. F | Overcast

PAX: Cat Scratch, Dunphy, Frizzle, Herschel, Legz, Pipeline

Q: Pipeline

It didn’t snow but six PAX took the field at #Victory Valley nonetheless for some Fun with Coupons.

Warmup: Yog to the hospital and back. Circle up on the pitch. SSH x 25 IC, Abe Vigoda x 10 IC, WMH x 1o IC, Rubio x 15 IC, hamstring stretch x 30 seconds, calf stretch x 15 seconds each, butterfly stretch x  30 seconds.

The Thang: After two days of stairs and lunges, Pipeline vowed to avoid both. PAX lined up along the goal post nearest the parking lot. Starting at one end of the line, a PAX ran a coupon down to the far end of the field and returned while the rest of the group did an exercise. The next PAX in line then took the next coupon down to the far end and returned. When all four coupons had been deposited, the group changed exercises and the next PAX in line retrieved a coupon until all four had been brought back. Rinse and repeat.

Herschel told us he almost brought back two coupons at once but didn’t want to break the rules. No one knew there were rules. Dunphy said that every time a coupon is retrieved, an angel gets its wings, which is true.

First exercise: Burpees

Second exercise: Big boys

Third exercise: Planks with arm and leg raises and some Makhtar Ndiayes thrown in for good measure.

Fourth exercise: Flutter kicks

Fifth exercise: LBCs

Sixth exercise: Squats (Sua sponte style)

Victory lap at 6:13. Dunphy told us that the AO is called Victory Valley because Victory Stadium used to be there. Absolutely no one knew that at all. Knowledge is power.

With one final effort, the PAX secured Cat Scratch’s lost car keys.

Recover. Recover. COT. Announcements:

  • GrowRuck 14 is March 22-24 in Richmond.
  • New Year’s Day CSAUP run up Mill Mountain; meet at Reserve at 8 AM for a run to the star and then breakfast.
  • We’ll be setting a time for a holiday 2nd F round of adult beverages very soon.

We forgot the name-o-rama. Frizzle took us away.

Always an honor!