Star City, Hurricane Florence edition, or The Day That Saul Fartsacked

Conditions: 70 deg. F | Rainy | Friggin’ Dark

PAX: Cat Scratch, Hutz, Noob (2.0), Off Key (2.0), Pipeline, Puffs

MIA: Saul


Four HIM and two high-impact 2.0s gathered in the cloudy, rainy dark at Star City this morning for a Hurricane Florence workout. As the clock struck 6:30, the PAX realized that the scheduled Q was probably busy assisting with hurricane relief efforts and could not lead this fine group. Sensing a leadership void, Cat Scratch sprang into sua sponte mode and warmed up the PAX with a variety of F3-approved exercises. After some running and People’s Chairs, he turned the Q over to Puffs.

Puffs immediately moseyed the PAX over to the nearby ballfield, at which time he instructed the group to bear crawl the bases, stopping at first base for a merkin and then doubling the merkin count at each successive base. “It’s what Saul would have wanted,” the PAX agreed. After a successful bear crawl through the infield mud (in honor of the postponed Mud Run), Puffs then led the group in a combination long jump and inchworm around the bases with ascending squats. The game was called after five innings. Cat Scratch was 2 for 3 with an RBI but was ejected for arguing the number of reps with the umpire. He left for the clubhouse and was last seen enjoying coffee and donuts.

Hutz then led the PAX into a series of squats, dips, merkins and laps around the track. The PAX named this workout progression the S.A.U.L. in the spirit of B.O.M.B.S. and B.L.I.M.P.S. At this point it also began to rain harder. All of the PAX were in agreement in their hope that Saul was somewhere warm and dry and hopefully enjoying a breakfast Hot Pocket or a Jimmy Dean frozen sausage biscuit.

With a scant 15 minutes to go, Pipeline led the PAX in a series of Mary exercises. PAX had their choice of getting wet as hell on the track or getting wet as hell in the grass, depending on personal preference. As 7:30 drew near, and fearing the arrival of Hurricane Florence at any moment, the cry of “recover, recover” echoed across the AO. Hutz reminded the group that if the Hurricane turned into a zombie apocalypse, Acorn and Herschel probably had knives and guns. With no further shenanigans in the queue, Cat Scratch took us away in the BOM.