Swift Donkey


PAX: HC3, Klump, Seabiscuit, Herschel, Buubs, Glee, Frack, Magnolia, Dunphy

Only expecting the 3 HCs the night before, 9 PAX showed for the (now inaugural) Thursday morning run from Sweet Donkey. She shall be called Swift Donkey.

Yog through the tunnel down to the greenway, head north. 2 (dark) miles out, 2 miles back.

Back at Riverside for dealer’s choice core work: LBCs, ATMs, Heels to Heaven, Freddie Mercuries, Flutter Kicks, Big Boys.

Yog to parking lot for COT.

Pleasure fellas. Sign up to Q the next Swift Donkey!

Stair Run 9/10 at 0515

Green Hill Park Mud Run 9/15