6/15 Double Coupon Friday

Frack (Q), Catscratch ,Double Humpee, Pinky, Charlatan, Space Jam, Manti, Sea Biscuit, HC3, Puffs, Hershel
PERFECT weather for a morning workout
Off we go, traveling across the parking lot and down the rutty path.  Catscratch freaks out a bit as we approach a skunk on the path.  We freak him out some more by chasing it into the woods. We shuffle back up the road and turn right onto the road leading up to the top parking lot. Indian runs to the middle lot
where everyone enthusiastically picks up a 50lb sand bag.  We continue our jog to the middle of the top lot, drop the bags near a light post, and line up facing east. We soak in the sunrise while warming up:
30 SSH
10 Willie Mays Hays
15 Rubios
25 Morroccan Night clubs
25 FA Circles
25 RA Circles
The Workout
We begin at the light post by picking up our sandbags, running around the closest median and back to the lightpost with 5 squats at the halfway point.  Upon returning, we are greeted by a a series of note cards scattered around the base of the light post.  Each note card has an exercise (50 squats, 50/50 F/R arm circles, 25 heels to heaven,50 merkins, 100 flutter kicks, 40 monkey humpers, 25 hand release merkins, 15 burpees, 50 LBCs, 25 star jumps).  Everyone picks a card and performs the exercise followed by a haling exercise until everyone is done.

We pick up our bags again and travel around the median again to a second light post (w/ 5 squats at the halfway point). Light post 2 has note cards with traveling exercises (gorilla crawl, long jump, traveling burpees, bear crawl, inch worm, lunge walk,m bear crawl/crawl bear, crab walk). We each pick one and travel to the original light post and back.  Holing exercise till everyone is done. Pick up the sand bags, run around the median, 5 squats, and return to the 1st light post.

Rinse and repeat both light post exercises a couple more times (3 total).
As the sun breaks over the mountains we begin our travel back to the starting parking lot.  Whoa whoa whoa.  That too easy.  We don’t jog.  We take 10 steps with our sand bag, do 5 squats, then 20 steps followed by 10 squats and so forth until we get back to the sand bags’ original location. For most of us, the last leg was 50 steps and 25 squats. ouch!
We jog back down the hill.  DH is hallucinating and sees a skunksquirrel and Sea Biscuit sees Dunphy, I mean a raccoon, I mean a squirrel climbing a tree. We arrive at the original parking lot where we circle up and squeeze in 5 sets of mary exercises before the bell tolls.  5:15a.
A great morning to lead this fine group of men.