We Did Not Do 1000 Merkins


PAX: Herschel, Cake, Glee, Space Jam, Grayson, McCloud, Puffs, Pipeline, Pinky, Double Humpee, Seabiscuit, Dunphy

Q: Dunphy

With truck stashed in deck, round up PAX at gravel lot and run back across Reserve. Plank it out to wait for Cake, late as usual. Run to and down Jefferson, to Pinky’s evil lair, up and down the front steps, then under the building and back to the deck.

Warm Up: Front Side Merkin Pyramid (1, 2…10), SSH x25 IC, WMH x10 IC, GM x10 IC, IW x20 IC, Back Side Merkin Pyramid (10, 9…1).

Triple up with each trio taking a sandbag. Head up to 1 for safety purposes.
Round 1: 1 PAX climbs stairs with sandbag to 6 and back to 1. Other two PAX rotate through squats and sprint to second pillon. Rotate until all 3 are finish sandbag climb. (Wall sit until all groups done)
Round 2: Sandbag to 6, HR Merkins, run halfway up ramp and back. (Burpees until all groups done)
Round 3: Sandbag to 6, overhead claps, Lunge Squat Walk to first pillon and run back. (Wall sit until all groups done)

Down to truck at G for a plank/merkin AC/DC Thunderstuck sesh. We may not have hit Pinky’s 1,000 merkins, but I didn’t see anybody successfully finish either.


Thoughts and prayers for Bill “Pops”, Space Jam’s father-in-law, Grayson’s grandfather.

Humbling to lead this great group.