Memorial Day Murph


Memorial Day!

PAX – (14) Pinky, Puffs, Dunphy, Pipeline, Legz, Charlatan, Double Humphy, Hc3, Seabiscuit, Twitch, Hershel, Saul, Acorn, BlindSpot

Quick warm up from Puffs (SSH, WMH, Windmills)

And then we are off for a Murph…1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 merkins, 300 air squats, 1 mile run

Wait! A little extra. On the runs we are adding an escalator of 5 burpees each 4 minutes during the runs…

So we start with 5 burpees and then off we run. We make it to Suntrust before 10 burpees, then resume running. We make it to the corner of Crystal Spring and 26th before 15 burpees. Then we arrive at the AO.

Pair up and Murph! (break it down however you want)

Finish stationary Murph part and run back…start with 5 burpees and then off we run. We make it to the Post office before 10 burpees, then resume running. We made it to the football field before the next exercise (we did 25 merkins and not 15 burpees as we were running out of time)

End at cars. Dead.

Special thanks to Puffs for life saving water.

Happy Memorial Day

Thanks to those that have served our country!