Four Corners PAX Q


PAX: Space Jam, Pipeline, Grayson, McCloud, Palmolive, Chubbs, Blindspot, Dunphy


With Zebra up until all hours listening to either Death Metal or Christian Rock (its not clear which), we were without our planned AO. No problem. 2 is 1 and 1 is none.

Warm up lap around the complex. Steal (borrow actually) some cones on the way back to mark our 4 corners in the lot…roughly 150×75 yard rectangle.

Warm Up PT: SSH x30 IC, WMH x10 IC, IW x20 IC, Windmill x10 IC, 10 Burpees OYO

Four Corners with each PAX picking the PT:
Sprint to 1st corner: 40 Carolina Dry Docks (Space Jam)
Sprint to 2nd corner: 40 Copperhead Squats (Blindspot), 20 CDDs
Sprint to 3rd corner: 40 Step Back Lunges (Grayson), 20 Copperhead Squats, 10 CDDs
Sprint back to start: 40 Freddie Mercuries (Pipeline), 20 Step Back Lunges, 10 Copperhead Squats, 5 CDDs

Round 2:
Lunge Walk to 2nd light pole, sprint to 1st corner: 40 Air Presses (Chubbs), 20 Freddie Mercuries, 10 Step Back Lunges, 5 Copperhead Squats
Bear Crawl to 2nd light pole, sprint to 2nd corner: 40 HR Merkins (Dunphy), 20 Air Presses, 10 Freddie Mercuries, 5 Step Back Lunges
Lunge Walk to 2nd light pole, sprint to 3rd corner: 40 Arm Circles (McCloud), 20 HR Merkins, 10 Air Presses, 5 Freddie Mercuries
Bear Crawl to 3rd parking space, sprint back to start: 40 Jump Lunges (Palmolive), 20 Arm Circles, 10 HR Merkins, 5 Air Presses

Mary: 40 Flutter Kicks IC


Great to see Space Jam and Grayson out this morning. Prayers for Pops and all of his loved ones.

Return cones exactly where we found them, less Zebra find out.